“Briefly describe your biggest struggle in your salon or barbershop?”  

So we polled over 100 different barbershop & salon owners in the past 30 days, asking that exact question. “Briefly describe your biggest struggle in your salon or barbershop?”

Some answered, “Getting more walk-ins“, “Marketing“, and “Getting more appointments“…

But the most common answer was this…

Hiring New Staff

So after speaking with these business owners, we dug more into this answer and asked what patterns were they seeing with applicants and new hires.

Most answered that although the barbers and stylists they were hiring are talented but they seem to have one or more of the following undesirable traits:

  • Drinking on the job
  • Showing up late to appointments
  • Showing up to work smelling like marijuana
  • Swearing or being inappropriate in front of clientele (especially in front of children)
  • For the most part, most of the new hires were just unprofessional

So you’re probably wondering how can you hire professionals, when it seems like your only attracting the complete opposite.

We found that it comes down to a few different things, but primarily it comes down to your Message.


If a barber looking for a new location to work, visits your Instagram Profile or Facebook Business Page, and see’s your recent video, what exactly will they see? Will they see you and the other barbers goofing off on Instagram Live? Will they see you guys hanging out smoking in front of the shop?


Will they see a team of professionals giving quality hair cuts. Will they see customers sharing testimonials of their experience at your barbershop? Will they understand your business morals and values from what you share to social media?


Do you look like every other barbershop on the corner?

You need your message to be clear, you need to be polarizing, you need to be different. Being different will attract different, if you want professional barbers you need to put out to the world that you are indeed professionals!

If you’re having trouble crafting your message, I have something for you, and it’s free. This is not a book I wrote, but one I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

I’ve shared this book with a few barbershop & salon owners and after reading it and applying these same methods, they’ve been able to hire professional barbers & stylists too!

Professionals who not only see your vision, but believe in your vision!

Mike Joseph

Author Mike Joseph

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